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Garden Grid™ Watering System Review

Carl Anderson • August 10, 2023

Here is my complete review of the Garden Grid™ Watering System from the nice people over at Garden In Minutes.

In this post you’ll see:

  • What the Garden Grid™ Watering System does well
  • What the Garden Grid™ Watering System doesn’t do well
  • My opinion of the Garden Grid™ Watering System
  • Whether the Garden Grid™ Watering System is worth the price
  • And so much more

Let’s get started.

Product Overview

This is the big picture overview of the system’s features and design.

garden grid on raised bed

The whole premise behind the Garden Grid Watering System is that you can ‘Garden In Minutes.’

This is excellent for most hobby gardeners.

We’d rather get out there and plant crops instead of designing a complex irrigation system.

But can it really be done it just minutes?

Let’s talk about it:

Installing Your Grid

Installation is super straightforward.

Let’s say you ordered a 4x4 watering grid. Each 4x4 grid will come in three pieces:

  • Left half
  • Right half
  • Water feed tube

Setting it up is simple. 

You take the half with open tubing and push it onto the fittings of the other half. No tools are required.

Just push the tubing over the fitting until it's snug.

raised bed

The 4x4 is now ready to go. Just lay it down in your garden. It’s not heavy at all.

There will be one fitting on the outside of the grid. Take your water feed tube, and push it over that fitting, just like you did for the grid.

That’s going to connect to your water hose.

water feed tube

Hook it up to the water supply and you are ready to go.

Water Pressure

You don’t have to worry about high or low water pressure.

The Garden Grid™ Watering System works at anything 10+ PSI. It connects right to any standard garden hose. 

You can even use a rain barrel if it’s high enough (about 25 feet high should do).

If you can’t get it high enough, they recommend using an irrigation pump.

Pretty cool. 

But the real value here comes from how you can customize the system.

You aren’t locked into the grid you started with. 

Let’s break it down:

Grid Size & Customization

Say I want to expand the 4x4 grid into a 4x8. No problem.

4x4 garden grid

You’ll, of course need to order another 4x4 system and one of their Multi-Garden Grid™ Connection Manifolds. 

Repeat the steps we covered above to lay out the second 4x4 grid.

Instead of connecting the water feed tube to the water supply, you hook it up to the manifold.

connection manifold

Repeat for both grids.

Then connect your hose to the bottom of the manifold. Now you have a 4x8 garden grid.

That means the sizes are unlimited. You can connect 4x4, 4x8, 4x12 and more. 

It’s up to you.

They also ship out 4x8 systems pre-assembled so wouldn’t have to use a manifold if you knew ahead of time you had a bigger garden:

4x8 garden grid

The Garden Grid Watering System is pretty nifty when you think about it. 

Most people don’t know where to start when it comes to irrigation. Even fewer want to design a complex system themselves. 

This system takes out the guesswork entirely. 

They have any square footing you can think of: 

  • 1x4
  • 4x4
  • 2x2 
  • 2x3
  • 3x7
  • 4x5

So now that you have a system installed… What crops can you plant? They cover that, too. 

Plant Spacing

Each system comes with a guided plant spacing chart to remove any guesswork. 

plant spacing guide

For a more in-depth guide to plant spacing, be sure to check out this article.

A little bit of planning goes a long way. And it covers all you need to get started.

Raised Bed Gardening

The Garden Grid™ System works ideally with raised beds, wood or metal. 

In fact, Garden In Minutes also sells
Metal Raised Beds with the Garden Grid™ Watering system if that’s something you’re interested in.

Their metal raised beds are just as easy to set up. But that's something we'll cover in another post.

raised metal garden bed

If you don’t have or want a metal bed, don’t worry it works with any raised garden bed, wood or metal. 

large garden plot

What To Grow

Almost anything you want:

  • Herbs 
  • Flowers
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Green beans
  • Corn
  • Peppers 
  • Basil

How Much Soil

Each raised bed comes with its own individual needs for soil.

A good rule of thumb is that you need 12 cubic feet of soil for each 4x4x8 tall area.

So if you have a bed built out already, keep that in mind.

Winter Care

Another great thing about the Garden Grid Watering System is that it’s all-season durable. 

With other drip irrigation systems, you may need to bring them inside during the winter. That’s not the case here. 

You can leave it outside during the winter and then pick up gardening where you left off next Spring. 

What we would recommend is that you winterize the system.

What does that mean?

It just means draining the lines of water before you get freezing temperatures. This matters more if you live in harsh climates.

Simply unplug the water feed and tilt the system to one side to drain the water. Done. 

Garden Grid™ Watering System Pricing

garden grid pricing systems

The pricing depends on the grid size.

For example, the
4x4 Garden Grid™ Watering System is $85. The 4x8 Garden Grid Watering System is $155. Each size comes with add-on options.

Adding on a Multi-Garden Grid™ connection manifold can cost you up to another $24.

The pricing might seem a bit pricey for some but the system is built to last.

The owners don’t actually know how long their systems last because they are still using the ones they built in 2012. 

But if you are:

  • New to gardening
  • Have no supplies
  • Have no plot
  • Want an all-in-one solution...

Now might be the time to invest in a raised bed.

If you do go that route, the 4x4 can cost you $270, and the 4x8 costs almost double that at $420.

Otherwise, you can build your own bed for much less.

Garden Grid™ Watering System: Things I Like

Let’s go over some of the highlights I found during this review.

Easy, Simple-to-Use:
You get your Garden Grid™ Watering System preassembled in a box.

All you need to do is connect a few parts and you have a grid within minutes.. Honestly, within seconds. 

The Multi-Garden Grid™ Connection Manifolds make expansion of your garden virtually unstoppable.

Just install a manifold in-between each grid and you can go from 4x4 to 4x8 to 4x12 in no time. 

Family Owned & Operated:
Garden In Minutes is a small, family-owned company based in Florida.

The co-owner and wife, Theresa, grew frustrated by complex irrigation systems over the years and commissioned her husband and co-owner, Tom, to solve the problem.

Not only did he help Theresa garden easier, but he also helped all of us garden too. Thanks, Tom. 

Excellent Company With User Support: Not only is the Garden Grid™ Watering System a great product, but Garden In Minutes is an excellent website that provides tons of gardening advice.

They provide tons of practical advice for gardeners of all skill levels.

Garden Grid™ Watering System: Things I Didn't Like

Are you really gardening in minutes? Yes, you can be. This is not an exaggeration. 

However, it does come with the assumption that you already have a garden plot.

If you order a Garden Grid™ Watering System but you don’t have a plot, or a raised bed already set up, it’s going to take a bit longer than a few minutes to get gardening. 

But if your plo
ts are all set then yes you will have an irrigation setup within minutes.

Square-Foot Gardening: Square-foot gardening is awesome, and I can’t really say anything bad about it.

It’s gotten more people into gardening than pretty much anything. 

But if don't want to do square
-foot gardening, then this isn't for you.

If you want a setup that provides irrigation to things like:

You will need to look elsewhere.

The Bottom Line: My Garden Grid™ Watering System Review

Garden In Minutes has made gardening simple and easy with this Garden Grid™ Watering System. But you don't need to believe me...

This is why they have so many positive reviews on their website:

amazon review 5 star 1
amazon review 5 star 2

Gardening is hard work. And most of the difficulty comes with, you guessed it, setting up the plots with an irrigation system. 

Even though we love building out our drip irrigation systems, it’s awesome to just have something ready to use within minutes of ordering.

The time saved on setup alone i
s enough value to justify buying the grid. 

If you like it, be sure to check it out here.


There you have it: my comprehensive review of the Garden Grid Watering System.

Have you used the Garden Grid Watering System before?

If so, what were your overall impressions? Good? Bad? Somewhere in between?

Send us an email to let us know. 

Before you go...

Maybe you don't want a square-foot gardening irrigation system. No problem.

Be sure to check out some of our other guides to get exactly what you need for your garden.

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Carl Anderson

Carl Anderson is an avid outdoorsman with a keen interest in writing about and reviewing tools. He has over 20 years of writing experience and the only time he isn't feverishly typing away at his computer is when he's outside in nature working on his projects. You can learn more about him here

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