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If you've ever read one of our product reviews, you might've asked yourself: How does the Sweet New Earth team figure out what makes something great or... not so great? Good question. Let us explain.
Below, we are going to cover our Sweet New Earth tried and tested reviewing methodology, including both the tests we use and the data we decipher to make our recommendations.
Of the things about Sweet New Earth that sets us apart from other websites on the internet is that we like to test out the products we use on our site. We value a hands-on approach because it allows us to give genuine feedback on own terms. At the end of the day, the best way to understand a tool is to roll up our sleeves and use it for ourselves!
We run a variety of tests on the tools that gives us (and most importantly, you!) a real idea of what a tool (or a tree or anything we recommend) is actually like! We want you to know all the details about whatever item we are testing, so we refuse to hold back. At the end of the day, some tools are better than others in certain situations and for certain individuals and its import for us and you to know which is which.
With the general methodology out of the way, let's get into the nitty gritty on how we make sure a tool is spectacular.
First things first, you wouldn't bring a knife to a gunfight, right? Well, maybe you don't need a chainsaw for a small twig either. To review a tool properly, we make sure we use it for the right applications. Of course, a chainsaw could cut through a twig but under no circumstance is that ever going to be necessary.
When you are buying a product, you need to know if that product is going to be effective. Otherwise, why would you buy it? It's our duty to make sure you are buying the most effective tool for the job. For example, if a lopper can't cut through a branch as intended, we aren't going to recommended.
Products that fall apart suck. We've all been there. You use a hand saw for all of three cuts and the thing crumbles to pieces. That bites. When we look at a tool, we examine it thoroughly to make sure that it's built to last. Not only that, but we do a thorough canvassing of any other review we can find on the product to see if other people have complained about the product quality.
Our review process is comprehensive in that we alternate between detailed, in-depth product reviews, like our one on Hoss Loppers versus overall Best Of Lists like the best tools to cut tree branches. Single product reviews are meant to get down and dirty with the tool to thoroughly understand what makes a tool great. The Best of Lists are a carefully curated list of products that serve as the top of the field for the specific category.
Sweet New Earth is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
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