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The parts of a hand saw are:
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Now that you know the parts of a hand saw, we'll go over each one below. This is a lot to take in, so get ready... Okay, it's not as much as learning how to use a hand saw or felling a tree with a hand saw, but it can still be a little confusing.
The handle is in the back of the handsaw. It's what you grab to hold and cut with the saw. You grip it, move the saw back and forth and cut through the wood or the tree with the saw.
These come in different shapes, sizes and ergonomics depending on the brand. The best hand saws for cutting trees will undoubtedly have an ergonomic grip.
The front of the hand saw is the side of the blade where the teeth are located. No, it is not the front flat portion of the saw blade.
The back of the hand saw is the top of the blade that is flat. No, it is not the back of the hand saw where the hand grip is located. (That's the grip remember).
The heel is the angle edge near the back of the front side of the saw. It's the sharp pointed edge, close to the grip, that is actually the start of the sharp teeth.
The saw's teeth are the bottom portion of the blade. They are the sharp teeth that cut into the wood. The purpose of hand saw teeth is to break through the materials' fibers, breaks it away from the other materials, and remove the waste.
The teeth run along the front of the blade. Each of the saw's teeth technically has three parts:
The point is the sharp peak of the tooth. This is what penetrates into the wood when you start cutting.
The tooth is the what you see as the sharp pointed edge that runs along the front of the blade. Each tooth has a point and in between each point there is a gullet. These are known as rip teeth.
The gullet is the valley between each tooth. Waste material gathers during cutting, and is pushed out continuously while you cut.
The blade is the essentially the entire metal piece combining everything but the hand grip. It attaches into the hand grip and is what you use to cut through the wood.
The toe is located near the nose of the blade. It's the sharp pointed edge at the end of the front of the blade. It is actually that flat portion at the front of the blade.
There are tons of different types of hand saws. There are frame saws, a crosscut saw, a rip saw. You could argue that anything you use with your hands is a hand saw, and not only that but they all the same basic parts.
That's all there is to it! Not really a complicated topic but it can be interesting for some. Further, if you wanted to repair your hand saw instead of buying a brand new one, you can instead buy the individual part you need. Of course, that would either be the blade of the grip but to each his own.
The sharp part of a saw is called the teeth.
Now that you know the parts of a hand saw, you may want to know how to use a hand saw. Be sure to read our next article so that you can make sure you are cutting wood properly to prevent injury to yourself or damaging the blade...
Carl Anderson
Carl Anderson is an avid outdoorsman with a keen interest in writing about and reviewing tools. He has over 20 years of writing experience and the only time he isn't feverishly typing away at his computer is when he's outside in nature working on his projects. You can learn more about him here.
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